Friday, September 18, 2015

Practicing with DestinyQuest

I noticed my third graders needed a little more practice looking up books in Destiny Quest and finding them on the shelves.  I have done this different ways in the past with a lot of frustrations about the noise level and whether the students actually got the idea, but I think I may have finally found my favorite way to practice this!

Bethel's wonderful PTA bought the library 10 iPad minis a year or so ago, and I just keep coming up with new ways to use them.  For this activity I really wanted the third graders to be able to practice looking up a book, and then finding it on the shelf.  I decided to have them show me what they were doing by using the cameras on the minis.

First we reviewed how to look up books in Destiny Quest.  After that, I showed them how to take a screen shot of their search so they could prove they did the search and found the correct book!

After they took the screen shot they had to go to the shelf to find the book.  They took the iPad with them so they could refer back to the search if they forgot where they were going.  Once they got to the shelf and found the book they took a picture of the shelf where they found the book.

After they had both pictures, they came to me to show me so I could check their work.  Then they were free to go look for books to check out.  They had a lot of fun doing this and I loved that I could see where they went wrong if they had a problem!

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