Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Back to School 2016!

So we are back to school in South Carolina, and I wanted to share what I'm doing with the SCASL Picture Book Award Nominees this year!  I started day 1 with classes in the library and I have had so much fun sharing My Teacher is a Monster! by Peter Brown with my Kindergarten, first, and second graders.

This book is a wonderful lead into talking about rules in the classroom or library!  As I was reading, we had to stop and talk about what poor Bobby did wrong, and in every class someone noticed that the teacher started looking a little less monster-y before the end of the book which led to great discussions on how to keep your teacher (or librarian) from turning into a monster!

I also started the year with library centers and dedicated a couple of them to monsters because of this book.  The kids have had so much fun creating monsters with my legos and playing on Sago Mini's Monster App!  I love having the centers to help keep them busy at the end so I can help those stragglers find books.

I put directions and standards on the sides of my centers so I don't have to explain what to do, but I try to keep them simple enough that they don't need much explaining.

The Monsters App by Sago Mini was free when I got it and my students absolutely love making their online monster, feeding it, and even brushing it's teeth!