Monday, October 14, 2019

Digital Citizenship Week 2019

New school, new school is time to get started sharing some things again!  I am super excited to be at Dutch Fork Elementary as school librarian!  It is now about 9 weeks into the school year and I am starting to feel a bit more settled.  My best advice for new librarians (and experienced librarians switching schools) is to give yourself time to get settled.  Building relationships with students and teachers is the most important thing!

Nerdy Birdy Tweets...Which totally leads me into this week being Digital Citizenship Week!  Online relationships are important too and many times students don't realize that!  This week I am talking about relationships by sharing one of my favorites: Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds. 

This book is WONDERFUL for opening conversation about online relationships vs. in person relationships!  Nerdy Birdy and Vulture are best friends, but they have very different likes and dislikes.  When Nerdy Birdy discovers Tweetster and starts making online friends, his relationship with Vulture suffers.  And when Vulture discovers that Nerdy Birdy has posted a picture of Vulture on Tweetster her feelings are terribly hurt.  Please comment below and share what you are doing for Digital Citizenship Week!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Throwback Thursday

Can't Stop the Reading Video (click here!)

I love finding ways to get students excited about books.  A while back I worked with a 2nd grade teacher who loves to change the lyrics to songs to come up with a reading music video.  She also had her students record the audio for me.  Then I had so much fun hunting around the school for students and teachers who wanted to be a part of the video.  It was a great collaborative effort and everyone
really enjoyed watching the finished video on the morning news and the website!  Watching it makes me smile, and makes me want to work on another one to share!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Black History Month, Voting, RIF, Read Across America, and Dr. Seuss!

Wow, so much going on in 1 week, but it is all so much fun!  This week in the library the younger grades are voting on the SC Picture Book Awards.  I love sharing these titles as read alouds during the school year.  I served on the committee of librarians who make the list a few years ago, so I have a special place in my heart for these books that have been nominated for the students to vote on.  I can't wait to see which book wins!

We are finishing up Black History month with a host of activities.  We had PTA last night with a beautiful chorus performance.  The parents were then invited to walk around and check out the student projects that have been completed this month, led by the students of course!  I really enjoyed seeing the finished projects in the classrooms and hallways since the library was heavily used for books and research to complete them!  We have a wonderfully diverse library collection that supported Black History Month very well.

We are also celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss this week in the library and around the school.  My younger students library time this week has included a Dr. Seuss read aloud, coloring cool Dr. Seuss bookmarks, and getting to choose a RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) book to take home and keep!  I love seeing the excitement on their faces when they choose a book to keep!  My older students have also been super excited to choose a RIF book as well!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Book Fair

Valentine's Week was Book Fair week in our library!  What a great time to show our love for books and reading!  This was the first book fair that this school had hosted in over 10 years and once the students figured out what it was, they loved it!

If you talk with different librarians, you will find some that enjoy book fair and some that do not.  I LOVE sharing books with students, teachers, and parents, so I just can't imagine not having book fair because it is such a great way to get everyone excited. 

I enjoy the book talk and author videos that Scholastic puts together.  They are a great way to get the students thinking about what they might like to read.  I enjoy any time I can hear an author talk about what they have written and the students really love to put a face to the author's name.  It's like a mini author visit without having to pay anything.

I also like to bring the students in to make wish lists.  There are a lot of students at my school who don't have money to buy books, but when they make wish lists I can see what they want to read... and then I buy a copy for the library so they can check it out!!
The Very Impatient Caterpillar
Because of the RabbitI do a lot of reading during the book fair!  Scholastic doesn't mind if I sample the books while they are with me.  My two favorites this book fair have been: The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach and Because of the Rabbit by Cynthia Lord.

I'm a huge Mo Willems fan and The Very Impatient Caterpillar reminded me so much of  Mo Willem's Pigeon.  This is a VERY impatient caterpillar, who can't believe he can't read a book or order a pizza while he's waiting for TWO WEEKS in a chrysalis!!  I laughed so hard at this story and I shared it with a number of classes who loved it too.

 Because of the Rabbit was a beautiful story about a 5th grade girl who is going to public school for the first time.  I don't think you can go wrong with Cynthia Lord, and this was a good example.  It was a beautiful story of how hard making friends is, how important honesty is, and how small things can bring bigger things together.

Monday, January 21, 2019

New Library Ordering

I apologize it has been a while since I’ve posted!  My family moved over the summer and it has been such a busy year! I’ve migrated what used to be over to a new home at and I’m going to write up some of the posts I just haven’t had time to share yet!

Two of the big curves when moving from school to school are getting to know your new reading population and getting to know your collection!  My new school is elementary, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.  Every school is different, so spending time looking at the books you have and asking the students what they enjoy reading is very important!

I also found that my new collection didn’t have a number of my favorite series and books, so I had to add a few to the books that the students and teachers were asking for.  I have been blessed at all the schools I’ve worked for to have a healthy budget, so I got started ordering.

My daughter and I have talked about starting our own BookTube channel on Youtube.  I decided this would be good practice for me to get a little more comfortable in front of the camera and try a more flipped learning approach since I wanted to show all the new books to all my classes.  I decided to make an Everybody Book Haul and a Fiction Book Haul.



This has been a great way to share the books on the news and our website.  I’ll do another post soon about how I ended up doing smaller videos on Flipgrid and inviting my older students to start a book conversation.